Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Module 4 Blog:Connectivism Mindmap

Module 4 Blog: Connectivism Mind map

  • My network has changed the way I learn in many ways. I use my network to locate information, make connections with other knowledgeable individuals, to access resources, to reflect on content, to relate that content on what I already know or to an earlier experience, and to share my knowledge with others in my network.
  • Blogs best facilitate learning for me. Blogging has been helpful in helping my knowledge acquisition and reflection process. I can easily access resources and express my views and thoughts. I use this digital to share my knowledge and to ultimately promote deeper learning by linking multiple ideas and concepts together within a personally engaging environment.
  • I learn new knowledge when I have question through the use of resources. These resources may include the university library, a search engine, or even a peer.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Module 3 Blog: Collaboration

Module 3 Blog: Collaboration
Rheingold made some very significant points in his discussion of the evaluation of Wikipedia as a collectively developed encyclopedia. The most significant point that Rheingold made in his discussion was that we all have a human instinct to interact and work as a group.  
It is the basic instinct of humans to want interaction with others. Humans are very much social beings and interacting with others is an integral part of human life. We are not merely social in the slight sense that we enjoy the company of others, or in the evident sense that we depend on others, but we are social in an elemental sense; solely to be human obliges interaction with others. Our need to interact with others is a human instinct and need.
Technology has long been seen as an optimal medium for the application of the constructivist principles (Murphy, 1997). The constructivist approach to learning is facilitated by technology, more specifically the web. The Constructivist Theory focuses on making connections and making meaning in the learning process.
Web based courses are frequently designed with constructivist principles in mind. These principles inspire learners to collaborate with others, to navigate and create their unique knowledge base. Technology facilitates collaboration by joining together learners and bringing them together in the same space so collaboration can take place. Chat rooms, allow groups of learners to collaborate with each other through the use of synchronous communication.
An empirical study conducted by Papnikolaou & Boubouka (2010) investigated the value of collaboration and found that collaboration is an effective learning tool. Papnikolaou, K., & Boubouka, M. (2010). Promoting collaboration in a project-based e-learning context. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. (43) 2, 135-155.
Murphy, E. (1997). Constructivism from philosophy to practice. Retrieved from
Papnikolaou, K., & Boubouka, M. (2010). Promoting collaboration in a project-based e-learning context. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. (43) 2, 135-155.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Module 2 Blog Topic 1

After reading the blog posts by Bill Kerr and Bill Kapp I gained a new perspective on the use of various learning theories.

I definitely believe that the –isms: constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism, and more recently connectivism are useful guides on what to think and what to do. The –isms are necessary. Each learning theory offers something useful. They provide valuable insights into human learning. The concept of taking an idea from each school of thought almost seems genius. Using ideas from various learning theories is essentially the essence of a good educational design. We need the integration of all the –isms. Taking bits and pieces from each theory and using them collectively will only benefit us.

It would be simplistic to assume that one learning theory alone has the potential to be used across the board for all. All of the learning theories have a place in the learning process and using ideas from them makes sense. None of our students learn exactly alike, we all leaner differently that is why the concept of using ideas from various learning theories makes sense. Learning is multi-facetted and it is not possible for one learning theory, one school of thought to do it all. We can take the best ideas and concepts from various leaning theories and use them to create an effective educational experience for our learners.

I believe that Kerr (2007) said it best, “learning theories are indispensible to the curriculum reform effort.”


Kerr, B (2007). _isms as filter, not blinker (Web Blog Post). Retrieved from

Kapp, K (2007). Out and about: Discussion on educational schools of thought (Web Blog Post). Retrieved from